Climb with Josh

You CAN enjoy climbing!
Climbing is equal parts science, art and tactics. We all succeed in our own way based on our unique physiology. No two people climb exactly alike.
The journey is a personal challenge.
You vs The Mountain. You vs You.
It's poetry. What will your verse be?

What's on offer?
Looking for Custom Online Coaching? Interested in being a part of an amazing experience cycling with other like-minded riders? See what's happening below!
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Or message me on WhatsApp below.
WhatsApp: +1 610 401 6799
Meet Josh
Everyone can climb! How do I know? Because I used to avoid it like the plague. In my early days as a cyclist I'd do anything to stay on the flats. Even indoors I would keep to Zwift Tempus Fugit. Once I took the plunge and started uphill though, I was hooked! I love everything about it. The quiet roads; the scenery; the beauty; the challenge; and the feeling you get when you reach the top.
Now I'm no top end climber; not even in my own age group. I'm just like you - an addicted cyclist who loves the mountains and is grateful for the opportunity to learn each and every time I take on a Col. This makes me uniquely positioned to understand and appreciate what the typical age-group cyclist goes through to become a solid, confident and competent climber.
That perspective along with my degree in kinesiology, years of successful experience as a licensed cycling coach who uses best scientific practices for customized program development will help you achieve your dream of summiting the world's most famous Cols. Let's get started!